Return policy

You have 14 days to return the product without reason, starting on the day you have received the product. 
Once you have notified us of the return shipment, you have 14 days to return the product. After this period the purchase is considered final and no returns will be accepted.
 The product can be returned if it is not used and, if possible, in the original packaging. The costs of returning the product is for your own account as is the responsiblity of a correct shipment. We do recommend to use a track and trace number.

For the shipment you can use the Return form.
Keep in mind that this is a business address, it is not possible to personally drop off a shipment.

After correctly received the return, the purchase amount will be transferred within 14 days on your bank account.

 and Return conditions

The following conditions apply when returning an item:
- Returns must be processed within 14 days of the notification with a return form.
- The accessories shouldn't be worn or washed.
- No stains, perfume, sigarette smoke or any odor allowed on the product.
 The item has not been fixed to hide any damage.
- The article is kept in it's original packaging.
- The customer is responsible of a correct shipment, we recommend to use registered mail with a track and trace no.
- Shipments with insufficient postage or no postage will not be accepted.
- In case of product- or delivery failure, please notify us within 3 days after delivery with a description of the problem via our contact page.
- In case of product- or delivery failure, the costs of the return shipment will be on account of Kawaii Accessories. 
- If exchange and return conditions are not complied, we maintain our right to return the product and to charge you with the shipment costs.

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